We were not looking to move. We didn't feel we were ready finanically for it.
we paid so little for our home years ago that the comfort of the payment was
so nice with four kids. just thought we'd be here forever.
SUNDAY: (almost two weeks ago) we got a call from my old and dear friend, Peggy,
telling me we NEEDED to see this home. Her husband is a plumber and one of his clients, is moving south and they want to sell asap. I told her we didnt think we could make it but the tone in her voice told me I needed to make an effort.
MONDAY: We drove by to see if we liked it. It looked nice...but hard to see from the road. they weren't home so we couldnt look inside. When we got back home, the owners called to see if we wanted to come back. It was too late in the evening so they asked if we could come tuesday morning but Jean has to work all day so I declined. She said, we have a realtor coming at 1:00 but if you're interested, we'd rather sell without a realtor and we'll make you an outstanding deal. I told her we could be there for 5PM but not sooner. She told me she'd call the realtor and tell her to come later in the week.
WEDS: Called the bank and a realtor to see about selling our home, could we
make the numbers work.
THURS: Bank is sure we can get financing for the home WITHOUT even having
to sell our own home if that were the case! (owners didn't have the time to wait for ours to sell). The asking price was incredible so we wanted to try hard to get it. Its beautiful, on 5 acres of waterfront land, only 6 years old, and this couple is generous in many ways...we prayed it would work out.
FRIDAY: Officially sign loan papers and bank assures a commitment letter by Monday. We sign a purchase and sale agreement and are officially UNDER CONTRACT for the new house.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY: Pack up my sweet little home as much as we can and move "extras" to storage so the house appears uncluttered for showings. I watch HGTV and know how important this is!! painting, fixing, packing, hockey tournaments, dance and the weekend was gone in no time.
MONDAY: Committment letter and a closing date of April 30.
TUESDAY: Packing the house, cleaning, painting and prepping.
WEDS: Our house officially goes on the market.
THURS: First showing on our house..sounds like we might have an offer!
FRIDAY (today) Five showings scheduled!
When I think about it all, I get emotional it all comes back to this wonderful couple we met. They have given us an amazing *AMAZING* opportunity to bring our children back to my home town, 3 minutes from my mother, living on the same pond as four of my girlfriends and a place for our kids to grow and come home to later. My heart is happy.....so happy. Its not a huge home, its just perfect four us! It has all the things we need now and also for what we planned for a retirement home (on water) all wrapped in one package. The couple guides us as if we have known them for years and treats us like their own children, doting on my Marleigh and offering us the things they don't want to bring with them. They love us already and we love them too. I will be honored to love their home as much as they do!!!
I'll post photos of the home once its OURS! I just had to share the story so you know where I've been and how luck has played a role in my life of late. We surely do feel blessed!!
I must close as I have to leave again for the day. I have sessions to edit and hope to get much of this chaos out of the way this weekend!
Thanks for following me over here....I'd love to hear that you made it!!