We're wrapping up the end of the school year and my twice-a-day trips to the old school to deliver them to classes. I've completely enjoyed my time in the car as we drive to school and back each day...I'm even considering doing it again this fall, even though the school is much closer now! The coming change is bitter sweet as we all adore the new digs but mourn the daily interactions with our friends in Kennebunk. I'm excited about sleeping in, spending time at the waterfront and watching the kids explore their new surroundings. My stomach still turns when I think of the fall and anticipate how much a new school environment will change the dynamics around here for those first few weeks. We'll be okay and I'm not one for sitting back and watching things just roll along, I'll jump in with both feet if I see something going awry but I'm looking forward to spending more time in the classroom with Cam and Kenna as Marleigh will attend a literacy program each afternoon!!
Here's Branden. He'll be in 8th grade this September. He just shared with me tonight that he's made high honors again this fourth quarter and his father owes him a big reward for his hard work! He's the best kid a mom could ask for, responsible and kind! His voice is changing and his face shows signs of a boy becoming a man. My eyes water when I think back to the day I brought him home.....it really does go too fast!

Cam, my gentle giant. He's struggled with this move the most. He's got some of the best friends a mom could ever ask her child to bring home. His choices are always made with his heart...God gave him the biggest one I've ever had the pleasure of knowing! We've made great efforts to keep his friends close by having them over regularly - its bringing us closer to their parents and we've found special places in our hearts for them too! I don't know if we'd have gotten the time with them if it weren't for this move. He's got amazing grades and a work ethic that is much like his very driven father.....again, I couldn't be more proud!

Makenna is just getting her two front teeth back. She's lovely...a second mother in our family, she's always watching after everyones best interest. She's ready for change and the move is a positive thing for her. I think she holds on to what I told her: "I met my best friend in Lyman and that could be where yours is waiting for you!" I'm sure she's eager to see what lies ahead....she's not one for looking back and holding on to things in the past....I love that about her! I love this shot.....her shining, smiling eyes!

Here she is....Ms. Marleigh is not looking so much like a four year old anymore! She begged me for weeks to cut her hair so that she wouldn't be the only one in the house with long hair! The day following her final day of school, I granted her wish to "have a haircut just like Kenna's". She tells me every day that she loves her short hair cut and I'm enjoying the ease of caring for it!
I'm posting two of her because she's very into posing right now but this next one stopped my heart for a second. She just looks so much older.....like ten years from now....I can't take it!
