Even the kids are starting to notice how quickly time flies. Makenna was commenting the other day that the weekends just aren't long enough.
Lately I've been in a million directions. Cameron's health has kept me on my toes. Last April he was diagnosed with Lyme disease...we noticed it when his knee blew up for no reason at all. It was warm to the touch and we just couldn't recall an injury that would make it look so bad. Walked into the docs office and she knew right away what was going on. At the same time, we were getting ready for our move into the new home, emotions were pretty high for all of us but mostly for Cam. The summer was great and pretty much event free. We enjoyed getting used to a new place and Cam admitted he was really happy here. I only hoped that starting a new school would be a good move for him too. He misses his pals....terribly! He chooses fantastic friends and we've done our best to keep them in touch. At the end of summer he started football and my nephew, Chase, was on his team. Soon a bit more than halfway through the season, his back started to bother him, after two weeks of heat and ice and no improvement, we opted for an orthopedic specialist. Funny how moms and dads just know....family physician wasn't looking at it as more than just a strained muscle but we knew there was more to his complaints. He had bumped his pelvis and twisted it causing the bones to rub against each other. We opted to try chiropractic treatment and it worked amazingly well for him. I still take him once a week to get an adjustment. Lately he's had a bothersome toothache and our dentist referred Cam to a pediatric dentist to have the tooth removed. I took him yesterday and it was funny to watch him giggle as a side effect of the diazepam they gave him to help him relax. The dog barked at him because he knew something was up. The anesthesia wearing off was not so fun. Needless to say....the kids been up against the odds for months now....I need a break from the worrying.
This weekend I took photos for my annual Holiday Special. Hands down, I have the CUTEST clients!! I will post some of them later as proof! I wasnt able to get my email off to my regular clients this year as the list has been lost somehow :( I am using facebook more than ever now to keep my clients updated and to post my recent sessions as its easier to upload and I don't have to write anything. I do miss blogging! I decided this year I would only have one day of specials instead of two. Its exhausting and a lot of work and since I already have so many sessions that still await edit and upload, I'll be busy enough. I posted a simple "save the date" comment on my facebook page one evening at 10PM and though I wasn't really ready for booking, I had so many people email me asking for a spot, it booked up in an hour! I'm so happy that people like my work.....just feel so bad for those who missed it. I will be having another for Valentines or Easter so I hope to have my email list regenerated by then.
This sweet face is my cousin Lorri's first grandbaby.....her name is Ryleigh.. Is she sweet or what? She was all smiles and gave me the best of both worlds with a nice little slumber at the end of the session. Usually I like them before ten days old but with a good sleeper like Ryleigh, ten weeks works too!

Do you love this? I was so happy to get this pose!! Thank you for making the time to come visit me on your visit home new mom, Melody! I loved squishing your sweet baby girl!!!

I'm off to fulfill my momma duties and get the kiddos off to school! I changed Marleigh to a school with a morning program and its worked so well for my schedule! Today I will dance through the raindrops to get my errands done but my new lawn and its buds of green grass welcome the rain!